I wish I could post a picture (with her one - month sticker on), but we have to wait until all is finalized! But, I still want a post to remember her first month. She was a month old about 5 days ago, but that's ok!
Here are a few of Averie's milestones:
*She is eating 2-4 oz, every 2-4 hours. She is sleeping longer at night (3-4 hours), which is nice! But we can't wait until it's a little longer. We are fairly exhausted most of the time :)
* She loves her swing and her pacifier.
* She can mostly hold her head up by herself, and only needs support every-once-in-a-while.
* She likes 'tummy time' sometimes, and other times she screams her head off.
* She calms down immediately if we play the song "Fields of Gold" by Sting... it's really hilarious. She just mellows right out.
*She makes us laugh at night when she wakes up and is really hungry because she will turn her head to one side, and then to the other looking for her food. (I think that's a reflex, but it's still sooo cute!)
*She smiled in her sleep from week 1, but week 3 she started smiling while looking at us, although I haven't gotten a picture yet, sadly.
* She has recently started "talking" with coos and gurgles.
*She thinks she hates baths, and for the first half of a bath, she screams her head off. Then, she's like "Oh, I think I like this" and she's happy the rest of the time.
*This might be a "mom thinks her kid is a genius, but it's not really happening" kind of milestone, but I think that when she is crying in another room, and I start talking to her before I get there, she calms down.